Our Expansive Energetic Reality
We are living in exciting times, times when powerful energies are streaming into the planet and solar system in which we live. These energies are transformational in nature, they accelerate everything they come in contact with, from the physical reality we experience with our five senses to the energetic realities that co-exist within and around them.
As these new energies flow into our system they carry with them a form of code. This rarefied code is being imprinted into the human and planetary consciousness through a vast ubiquitous energetic platform. As a result, things will and must change, all the way down to the cellular level putting humanity at the precipice of a major shift.
It is time to embrace this change, to leave behind the old, restrictive thought forms and beliefs and allow the new expansive energies in. The universe is expanding, the earth is expanding, knowledge is expanding, human consciousness is expanding and with it comes endless possibilities.
Personal and Planetary Evolution
The Energetic Landscape
The Individual Energy Matrix
The vehicle you wear is in actuality a compilation of seven different and unique levels; one composed of matter and six composed of energy.
The energetic levels are enmeshed within one another, much like the radio waves that exist in space, they are unseen and separated only by their unique frequencies. Since you, like most people, experience your reality through your five senses you are probably only experiencing one level, the physical, as you journey through your life. However, the physical apparatus along with three of the denser energy levels (known as bodies) create what is called the ego self or personality system. These are the parts of you that were created (by you) to navigate the time space reality for this specific life's journey. These levels are created and recreated again and again for each subsequent life.
Your 'higher self' sometimes referred to as the soul or higher consciousness consists of three lighter energy levels also referred to as bodies. These three bodies however, are more oval in shape, not defined. Together they represent the eternal you, the ongoing you that moves with you from one life to another. As a rule, the general direction of your life, the major life lessons come from this level of self. There is no other authority involved in the creation of your life plan.
There is no better time than the present to begin to work with the subtle bodies and the creative centers that are encased within. Allow the denser levels of your being to embrace the higher, broader, wiser levels for it is through the merging of these aspects of self that you can find the Guru within and create a life from a place of authentic power.